


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Welcome Back...

I have been thinking lately about how much I miss blogging!  So I am going to give it a go again.  I love the idea of my family being recorded forever.  It has been nearly three years since my last post.  So here's the update!
Jess is 17 and going to be a Junior at SHS in the fall.  She has sure grown into a beautiful lady on the inside and out.  She runs Cross Country and babysits for the summer.  She is super involved in our church youth group.  She is so smart and sweet!

Jacob is nearly 15 and will be a Freshman in the fall.  I am not very excited about that.  Really.  I can hardly stand the thought that my little boy will be starting high school.  Wasn't I nervous about sending him to kindergarten just yesterday?!?!  He is so active! His passion is the band he is in and a close second is LaCrosse.  He loves life and is loud and fun and just a great kid!
And my baby girl, Jordan.  She turned 13 in February and has not one care in the world.  She will be an 8th grader this year.  Her last year to get to go to school with me.  She loves her friends and our youth group.  She is so good with kids.  She really enjoys babysitting everyday after school.  Jordan doesn't meet a stranger.  She always has a smile on her face.  I am so proud of her!

Scott and I are doing amazing.  Scott has been cancer free since fall 2009 PTL! He is Education Minister and Administrator at IBC.  He love love loves hunting deer and turkey.  I am so proud that he is mine!  I am teaching pre-k at Grove and taking lots and lots of pictures.  I feel so blessed to be a part of this amazing family!  Hopefully I can keep up with keeping track of our daily life on here!